1. blueprint-template(5)
  2. Blueprint
  3. blueprint-template(5)


blueprint-template - mustache.sh template language syntax




Templates are rendered by blueprint-template(1) and blueprint-apply(1), and by POSIX shell code generated by blueprint-show(1). They use the mustache.sh template rendering engine.

Templates may make use of the following syntax:


VARIABLE is read from the environment and substituted directly.


The intervening ... is substituted for the entire tag if VARIABLE is in the environmente and is non-empty. Other tags may be nested within.


The opposite of # sections: the intervening ... is substituted for the entire tag if VARIABLE is not in the environmente or is empty. Other tags may be nested within.


The tag is removed unconditionally. Comments do not appear in the rendered output.


COMMAND is executed and anything written to standard output is substituted directly.


COMMAND is executed and ... is rendered once for each line written to standard output. The environment is unchanged from line-to-line except for the value of _M_LINE, which contains each successive line of standard output.


The Flaming Lips - "The W.A.N.D. (The Will Always Negates Defeat)"


Richard Crowley richard@devstructure.com


Part of blueprint(1).

mustache(5) at http://mustache.github.com/mustache.5.html and mustache.sh at https://github.com/rcrowley/mustache.sh.

  1. DevStructure
  2. December 2011
  3. blueprint-template(5)